The Fall and Rebirth of Gearatron

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The story comes to an Epic Conclusion as the Zapbots fight the biggest war yet.

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In the Alternate Timeline

Back in another timeline, Anthony comes face to face with a future version of himself. A battle wounded version of himself and Timetravel have appeared to deliver a message. The future Anthony (who is Anthony Prime) proceed to merge his essence with the younger Anthony, and suddenly he understands the entire story that took place up to this point.

Back to original Timeline

In present day, Anthony is riding incognito in Slide again as they suddenly are attacked by Nonocons. The Nonocons leave Slide severally wounded, but they are destroyed by Anthony's Matrix magic.

On the other side of the Universe the Nonocons have brought together all the enemies of the Zapbots. The Gongos, Morphites, and more all are amazed when Amphotron has shown to have returned. He provides a master plan for taking over the universe and destroying the Zapbots to each of the different groups. As his disappears from stage he acknowledges it was wise of Skyscream to bring him back to life once they discovered the energy resources left by the explosion of New Gearatron. This allowed them to revive Amphotron and rebuild his body. As they pass by a cell, the reader catches a view of the reanimated body of Tri-star who is now an insane Nonocon.

Anthony celebrates his 32nd birthday party in two different parties. In the one party he catches up to see if Boaty and Click have completed their research for his 'Plan B'. He then proceeds to spend time with his human friends.

Back at the Nonocons' base, Run/RerunRerun the spy transmits a warning to the Zapbots about the Nonocons discovering a new power source that makes them unstoppable. He is severally wounded by Creater, but just before Creater is about to destroy him, Run blows up a nearby power generator taking the two of them out.

Back at the human celebration, Anthony's friends ask him when he and Mike Quartz are going to tie the knot. Anthony is completely unsure of how to proceed with this as he is uncomfortable with the question.

Boaty interrupts the party with disturbing findings from Slide's repair. Back on the Zapbot bridge, Scan and Boaty reveal that the Nonocons weapons can penetrate their shields and Zapbot bodies now, causing much more damage than before (to everyone except Shortstop because he is the keeper of the Matrix.) Analyzing the residue from Slide they discover the Nonocons had captured power from the New Gearatron residue fusing it with their systems. Contacting the Ancient Zapbots they indicate they can get their hands on the same power, if they get crystals from Noland III planet. Scan also concludes that the people on The Yellow Planet have a formula they can use to increase their shield strength, but the King wants to hand the code to them personally and not transmit over subspace. Just as they finish the discussion they receive a distress call from the Run on the planet Jumi letting him know additional details of a Nonocon attack.

The crew get broken into several different mission...

Spacebots Mission

The Spacebots arrive at Noland III. Once they find the secret passageway into the interior of the planet, they discover that the planet has been infested by Insectabots who are harvesting on the crystals they need to acquire. The Space Force attempt to recover the crystals quietly but a lone Insectabot ruins that plan forcing them to split up and cause a diversion for them to grab enough samples for Scan to duplicate them.

The Space Force are able to grab a fair amount of crystals but the Insectabots block their exit from the crystal cavern. They combine to form Meteorite to plow through the Insectabots. Then insectabots start to attack Meteorite body causing him to slowly fall apart from the combination. Slowly the Insectabots devour the Space Force leaving only Transport and Chewer to escape with the crystals.

Duplaflex Mission

Gaxator and the crew of Duplaflex warp into the orbit of The Yellow Planet to find an all out war with the Gongos and Morphites winning. The transform Duplalfex into battle station mode but quickly find their enemies have also upgraded their weapons making it hard to win the battle. Rup indicates it is his secret mission to head down to the surface to which Gaxator sadly agrees knowing Rup's true identity. Rup, with Hot-Shot and Vision and the Tech Team head down to the planet to retrieve the formula from the planet's King Titus.

Rup, Hot-Shot, Vision and the Tech Team battle their way through the onslaught of enemies to make it to King Titus. Duplaflex now in robot mode is constantly being attacked by enemies, punching holes in his skin and invading the the various levels of the ship. One by one Zapbots aboard Duplaflex are killed or destroyed attempting to stop the invasion aboard the ship.

Back on the surface, Rup gets the formula from the King just before he is killed. The Tech Team forms Circuitbreaker to give Rup enough time to complete the transfer as they are slowly being overwhelmed by enemy forces. Rup finishes the transport and then indicates his name is not really Rup but something similar. He explains to Hot-Shot he is from the Primax Cluster and was sent here by the King for a specific purpose. Now that he has completed the purpose, he grabs Hot-Shot and Vision and takes them through a portable temple portal to bring them back to his Universe indicating 'Prime needs us.' Circuitbreaker falls to enemy forces as The Yellow Planet is slowly overwhelmed. Duplaflex escapes orbit barely functional and warps back to Gearatron for the rondevue with the information.

Fortress Misslemax Mission

Shortstop reviews Boaty's and Click's Plan B with Timetravel. While he is not happy about what it will involve but he agrees its the only way if things come to term.

The Zapbots approach Jumi undercover in Slipstream. As they arrive they are bewildered and shocked to find Amphotron is alive. The proceed to engage the Nonocons only to find the threat from them very real. Slide is blown to pieces. Slipstream provides air cover for the team to escape back to Fortress Misslemax, but Overload is destroyed during the escape.

Back on Jumi's surface, Bop is about to destroy Amphotron when he is severally wounded by his brother Shock. As [[Shock] is about to kill him Bop looks into his eyes and says 'I forgive you,' causing Shock to suddenly react in sympathy. At that moment Bop dies in his brother's arms and Amphotron orders Shock aboard his new starship to head to Gearatron for the attack.

Back on Gearatron

Back on Gearatron they prepare for the upcoming battle. A massive amount of enemy ships warp into orbit and begin to attack the planetary shield. Ultra Attack orders Omega Dupreme and every available Zapbots to engage the enemies in battle.

Later, as the shield collapses, Amphotron warps into orbit with his new Kilter starship. He merges with the ship and transforms it into robot mode to attacks the Gearatron's surface destroying Omega Dupreme with one punch. With the loss of their primary defenses Ultra Attack orders an evacuation of Gearatron by it's citizens.

Shortstop and his crew receive two distress calls. One from Gearatron and one from Earth. Shortstop (Anthony) now realizes he has to choose which homeworld and which family to save. He realizes that his actions are what Matt E, was talking about. Realizing Earth sealed their own fate long ago, he orders to depart to Gearatron.

Fortress Misslemax warps into Gearatron orbit as the crew is in shock for the damage to the planet. Amphotron as Kilter boasts for his destruction. Suddenly Duplaflex warps in and Gaxator opens a communication channel. Gaxator indicates that not only do they have the shield formula but they picked up Transport and Chewer on the way containing the crystals. On Gearatron's surface, Ultra Attack, with the Ancient Zapbots, Build Team and Ninja Team indicate that the Nonocons blew out the planet's transformation cog. They can fix it, but they need time to head down into the lower levels.

Shortstop orders the crystals be brought aboard for analysis and duplication for the Zapbots. Scan proceeds to transmit the updated formula for shields to every Zapbot, helping boost their shield defenses. Fortress Misslemax and Duplaflex transform into robot mode to engage the enemies in battle while Ultra Attack and his team head down into the inner depths of Gearatron to fix the transformation cog.

As Ultra Attack and his team approach the cog they are attacked by Skyscreamer and the Nonocon drones. Almighty and Ninjatus draw Skyscream and his army away from the station while the Ancient Zapbots begin work to repair the cog. On the planet surface Kilter is blocking the port to the transformation chamber for Gearatron. Duplaflex orders a full evacuation of his crew and he flies full body into Kilter, destroying both their bodies. Amphotron's body is nowhere to be found, but Shortstop is very aware of where he would be going.

Back in the core of Gearatron, [[Skyscream] damages the ceiling causing the exit to the core room to collapse. Knowing that once they start the transformation the room would contract (and thus they would be squished) Skyscream thinks he's won. However Ultra Attack orders the transformation to proceed. Ninjatus blasts the exit door open as the Ancient Zapbots put the last pieces into the cog. Ninjatus and Almighty hold the room open just long enough for Ultra Attack and the Ancient Zapbots to escape, before the room collapsed down upon the Combiners and Nonocons.

Earth Mission

The Head Masters talk with the President of the United States telling him to plan for the worst. A general comes in and indicates that there is a large plethera of ships approaching Earth]. They scramble what they have of the Starfleet to engage as Earth is slowly invaded.

On Earth the remaining Zapbots provide the best they can for the invasion but are easily taken down. Snow Team, Water Team, Combat Team, Animal Team and Protectors are all destroyed during the battle to save the major cities of Planet Earth. The Head Masters and Target Masters lead the defense on Washington D.C. trying to hold back the forces as best they can. Windshield orders back to Mike Quartz who is staying with the President to evacuate. Suddenly the President of the United States turns on Mike firing at him while he's in his X-O suit. The President then indicated he was in cahoots with the Nonocons over the takeover of Earth. As the President is about to kill Mike Quartz, Shane P. comes in the door blasting him, killing the President and rescuing Mike Quartz. Sadly when the President's dies it activates all the nuclear missiles to be launched. Sensing this Shane P. subdues Mike Quartz and takes him to the last place of refuge on the planet, while the rest of the Head Masters take off to destroy the missiles and themselves.

Geo (Shane P.) takes Mike Quartz to the secret old Battle Base location as Nuclear Warheads begin to destroy the cities of Earth. As Geo starts up the old R.O.P computer Amphotron comes in and destroys him. Amphotron is about ready to destroy Mike Quartz when suddenly a laser blast fires a hole right through his chest, killing his spark. Shock, Bop's brother proceeds to destroy Amphotron in revenge for his brother's death.

Up in space the Earth space fleet is about to be destroyed, but suddenly Gearatron in robot mode warps into orbit and proceeds to decimate the enemy starships. Once the enemies are destroyed, Gearatron is transformed into planet mode and Shortstop heads down to his battle base to check on his friend.

He arrives to find Shock has killed Amphotron. Shock gives no fight to Shortstop and apologies for his misdeeds, walking away from the battle. Anthony disengages and runs up to Mike Quartz as they are one of the few humans left alive on the planet.


In the end Earth, Gearatron and the Zapbot enemies are mostly destroyed. While the Zapbot enemies are vanquished there is nothing to go home to. Shortstop and the few remaining Zapbots are provided the details of the Plan B event. Anthony will take Timetravel back in time, to the point before the Zapbots worked with the humans to create their Star Fleet. He will use the last of the Matrix of Leadership's power to combine his essence with the younger Anthony providing him all the knowledge for the past several years. The Zapbots at that point, will then using mind erasers around the planet, erase everyone's mind of the existence of the Zapbots. They Zapbots then will go into hiding. They will also put the memories of Anthony, and his Head Master friends into storage, reprogramming them and giving them new lives, only to be re-activated if the Nonocons return in this new timeline.

Back to the Alternate Timeline

Back to the alternate timeline the younger Anthony is now fused with the information puts the plan into action as Timetravel from the future fades away. Anthony (new) proceeds to walk up the ramp to Fortress Misslemax preparing to brief the Zapbots on the next actions to take. As the mind eraser is being prepared to be used on Anthony we leave with the thoughts and it begins again...

Featured characters

Zapbots Humans Nonocons Enemies Planets
  • Miscellaneous Gongos
  • Miscellaneous Mophites
  • Lots of other enemies


"It’s over now… Shortstop…Anthony… The fighting is over… for good."

Shock to Shortstop after a critical event in the story.



  • First Version: 1985?
  • Second Version: 2021
  • Third Version: 2021

Production notes

  • This was the fourth original story I wrote, I then went back and put all the stories crammed in between The Return (Zapbots the Movie III) and this one.
  • Yep, the gangs all here and pretty much everyone dies. This is the Infinity Wars/Justice League Apokolipse war story for the Zapbots.
  • With the original draft, this was originally Zapbots the Movie IV, which had a simpler timeline and I died a second time. When I rewrote this I already had Rebooted done, so I obviously couldn't die.
  • I knew very early on with these rewrites that I wanted this to be completely different and more in-depth. I also had to find a way to tie it into Rebooted as this story was already complete. Knowing I wanted to have a massive battle from multiple viewpoints, I came up with the various missions happening at the same time. Then even though they don't really succeed, you get a Flashpoint type of reset that sets the stage for the reboot.
  • The goal was to try and have as many of the original Zapbots standing at the end, thus coming full circle with the story.
  • The Battle base appears to always be the place of last resort for saving the day.

Continuity notes

Real-life references

Continuity and plotting errors

Other trivia

  • True Transformers fans will know who Rup is by reading this and his mention of the Primax cluster. If you don't then you're not a true fan.