- Boaty is a Zapbots Minicars from the Generation 1 continuity family.

Boaty is Anthony's right-hand man and consultant to the world of the Zapbots. The very first Zapbot activated, Boaty embodies the spirit of true logic and human compassion within the confines of a robot. Possessing leadership abilities but chosen to remain at the side of Anthony/Shortstop to help guide him. Brother to Flier, Boaty is more logical and somber compared to his brother. A strategic thinker Boaty will strategize various plans of action within seconds.
- Quote: "Think Positive"
- Transformation: Motor Boat
- Weapons: Lasers, Top Head Laser, Side Arm Lasers, 15 Jumpout Lasers & Missles
- Special Weapons: Hand Lasers, Ice-Ray, Tractor Beam
- Shields: Very Good 15 Hours
- Speed: 80-120 MPH
- Armor: Medium 5 Inches
- Communications: Radio, CB
- Target/Tracking: Radar, Infra-red, Scanners
- Weakness: No known weakness, over-powered by an army.
- Transformer Inspiration: Originally listed a Huffer?
- Star Trek Inspiration: Mr. Spock
- Family:
- Flier: Brother
- Speedy, Timetravel, Shortwing: Half-Brothers
- Bolts: Cousin
Original Series
Boaty was one of the first Zapbots to be reconstructed on Earth. His brother Flier is known to be the companions to Anthony throughout all of his adventures.
Robot Trek II
During the Nonocons attack on Fortress Misslemax Boaty's body was badly damaged and as such was rebuilt into a new form providing greater flexibility and firepower.
Robot Trek III
During the attack on Fortress Misslemax from the Nonocons with the Ancient Gearatron Device Boaty sacrificed himself to save the crew by entering the radiation chamber to re-align the warp crystals. Before he passed away though he merged his spark with his brother Flier
Robot Trek IV
The Zapbots were able to bring Boaty back to life, remerging his body with his spark before New Gearatron was destroyed.
Behind the Scenes
Boaty was the first Zapbot I ever drew and was basically my version of 'Data/Spock' in the series. He's the steadfast advisor who is always there, very protective, calm, collective under any circumstance. He was one of the most prolific characters in the series. His name was quite mocked by my friends throughout college as a running gag.
Although he was a motorboat all Zapbots had an Alternate Flight Mode which allowed him to do more than just water.
era: 1984?? - Probably the first version of Boaty?
era: 1984?? - Very Early
era: 1984
era: 1985
era: 1986
era: 1987
era: 1988
era: 1990
era: 2000: Finally dropped down the cover so he could look around a bit and have some peripheral vision