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- Transport is an Zapbots Spacebots from the Generation 1 continuity family.

Excellent in combat Transport is a lifesaver with transporting troops back and forth between bases and using his strong shield for protection. This allows the Space Force to get into areas and build a stronghold before Hangs out a lot with Photon in the Gearatron Circuit clubs as he is a big fan of interstellar music.
- Quote: "Let's Party Dudes!"
- Transformation: Spaceship
- Weapons: Photon Gun, Hand Lasers, Rockets
- Special Weapons: Sheild
- Shields: Good 10 Hours
- Speed: Warp 1-5
- Armor: Medium 5 Inches
- Communications: Radio
- Target/Tracking: Radar, Scanners
- Weakness: Slow in robot mode makes him an easy target.
- Transformer Inspiration: Crankcase (sort of)
- Family: Spacebots - Brothers
Original Series
The Fall and Rebirth of Gearatron
Transport provided storage of energy crystals from Noland III to help upgrade the Zapbot's firepower.
Behind the Scenes
era: 1988
era: 1994