Matt R
- Matthew Rogish is a Human XO-Suits from the Generation 1 continuity family.

Matt Rogish (also known by his last name as 'Rogish') is the human that is binary-bonded for Bash-Mash's body. Anthony's oldest longtime friend from elementary school, he is extremely talented in agriculture, and he helps to defend rural areas in the Northern Ohio region near Anthony's hometown.
- Quote: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
- Transformation: Head of Bash-Mash, Alternate Transformations for Travel
- Weapons: Nucleon Charge Rifle
- Special Weapons: Sniper Shield
- Shields: Separate Vibranuim shield
- Speed: 80 MPH
- Armor: Medium 5 Inches
- Communications: Verizon 5G
- Target/Tracking: Cheater Glasses from RiteAid
- Weakness: Long Text Messages
- Transformer Inspiration: None
Original Series
Anthony had very few friends before the Zapbots were created. One was his childhood friend Billy and the other was his middle school friend Matt (Rogish) who were both friends with each other as well. When Anthony created the Zapbots he parted ways a bit from his human friends due to responsibilities. When Anthony accidentally passed into another reality he discovered he was still good friends with Rogish and Billy. When Anthony returned to his Prime Reality he reached out to his old friends to rebuild the relationship from their childhood.
Robot Trek II
Rogish and Billy went after Alan in their Headmaster modes to try and stop him from stealing the Matrix of Leadership. Shock intervened and both Shock and Tri-Star/Alan got away.
The Boys Town 2
Matt was one of the away team members that helped to rescue a group of boys from Nazis who took over their school. During the rescue he took charge and was determined to get the boys to safety proving his ability to lead.
The Fall and Rebirth of Gearatron
Rogish was one of the many Headmaster warriors protecting the United States Capital when numerous Zapbot enemies launched an all-scale assault on Earth.
Behind the Scenes
Matt Rogish is my longest friend from Elementary School days. He was the friend I played Transformers with back when we were young. We became friends after he ripped my glasses off of my head and broke them, and subsequently, I invited him the following week to my birthday party. I've been friends with this jerk since then :)
An inherent problem of having friends throughout my life with the same name, I decided to go by his last name to differentiate him from Matt E. One of the few people in these stories I'll actually mention their last name.
era 1990