Fortress Misslemax
- Fortress Misslemax is an Zapbots Head-Master Base from the Generation 1 continuity family.

An extremely large city/spaceship Headmaster that contains the primary Zapbot army on home and away missions Fortress Misslemax is the Zapbots last line of Defense for Gearatron. Anthony transforms into the head of Shortstop who then combines to form the head component of Fortress Misslemax. Fortress Misslemax then transforms into the key component of the for Gearatron in robot mode. For an extra boost of power the mini-Zapbots of Click, Superrobot, Tiny and Experiment integrate into the core computer and can be used to control in robot mode if Shortstop is not available.
- Quote: See Anthony
- Transformation: Starship/City/Battle Base
- Weapons: 30 Missle Launchers, 40 Laser Rifles, 10 Photon Guns, 30 Rocket Launchers
- Special Weapons: Laser Rays
- Shields: Strong 25 Hours
- Speed: Warp 1-10
- Armor: Heavy 25 Inches
- Communications: Radio, CB, Intercom
- Target/Tracking: Scanners, Radar
- Weakness: Extremely slow moving.
- Transformer Inspiration: Fortress Maximus
- Family: None
Original Series
Ship Crew
- Shortstop - Commander/Ambassador
- Botimus Prime - Commander
- Boaty - Strategist/Tactical
- Flier - Navigation
- Speedy - Weapons
- Hightone - Communications
- Scan - Scientist
- Overload - Security
- Pliers - Medical
- Flash - Backup Communications/Backup Engineering
- Carry-On - Backup Navigation
- Pick-Up - Backup Weapons
- Timetravel - Backup Strategist/Specialist
- Soar - Military
- Spacedust - Military
- Roberta - Backup Communications
- Click - Human Liaison
- Superrobot - Human Liaison
- Tiny - Human Liaison
- Experiment - Human Liaison
Sometimes Serving/Moved To on Duplaflex
- Ultra Attack - Commander
- Repairs - Engineering
- Terrain - Security
- Bop - Bartender
Behind the Scenes
There's not much to say here except when I saw Transformers Season 4 Premiers, I was all excited to see new episodes of the toys. Then after three episodes, we went back to re-runs which thoroughly aggravated me as a kid. At that time my interest has started moving to Star Trek and as such Fortress Misslemax became my version of the 'Enterprise' for my stories. Little did I know many years later when I finally saw the Transformers Headmasters series, I was thinking along the same lines as those writers.
As stressed in Duplaflex and Omega Dupreme, Fortress Misslemax is fucking big! I estimate him as the size of Manhatten and he would encase the city in a shadow with his size. Think Enterprise D for large robots.
era: 1988
era: 1988
era: 1988
era: 1988
Era: 1992 - The human cafe (aka Ten Forward)
How I envisioned my living suite.
Era: 1993 - The room where the magic happens
Era 1992 - The Human mall.
Era 1993 - My giant Fortress Misslemax Artwork which won awards
era: 1993? - Playing Piano in my living suite.
era: 1994 - Top of human tower, my living suite outside - Amiga Graphics
era: 1994 - Amiga Graphics rendering of Battle Mode
era: 1996? - Human observation on the bridge of Misslemax.
era: 1996? - Another sketch for Marker class.
era: 1996? - A Zapbot command chair. Notice the plant.
era: 1996? - Human corridors inside of Misslemax.
era: 1990
era: 1990
era: 1990
era 1992 - The three cities on Gearatron. Omega Dupreme, Fortress Misslemax and Duplaflex.
era 2023 - Sims sketch - Anthony's Quarters.
era 2023 - Sims sketch - Anthony's Quarters.
era 2023 - Sims sketch - Anthony's Quarters.
era 2023 - Sims sketch - Command Bridge.
era 2023 - Sims sketch - Command Bridge.