- Cast is an Zapbots Buildabots from the Generation 1 continuity family.

Cast doesn't really prefer his role. In fact, he'd rather be taking a recharge than even worrying about moving materials from one place to another on terrain-type planets. While he tends to be more on the reserved side, he is actually quite competent when the team is able to get him up in the morning. When push comes to shove (no-pun-intended) he is actually a formidable opponent in battle, using putting in half the effort, but getting twice the results, and then proceeds to go back recharging after he is done.
- Quote: "Yawn...."
- Transformation: Bulldozer
- Weapons: Photon Gun, Hand Lasers, Missiles, Fire
- Special Weapons: None
- Shields: Fair 4 Hours
- Speed: 90 MPH
- Armor: Medium 5 Hours
- Communications: Radio
- Target/Tracking: Scanners
- Weakness: Personality can be uncontrollable at times.
- Transformer Inspiration: Bonecrusher
- Family: Buildabots - Brothers
Original Series
Robot Trek I
The Build Team while stations on Fortress Misslemax work to help repair the ship and also battle an Eaton robot during the initial battle with the Nonocons.
The Fall and Rebirth of Gearatron
The Build Team are one of the many teams assisting Ultra Attack's team to reach the core of Gearatron to repair the transformation key.
Behind the Scenes
era: 1987
era: 1988
era: 1992