- Duplaflex is an Zapbots City from the Generation 1 continuity family.

The first Zapbot City, Duplaflex is one of the largest Zapbots, next to Omega Dupreme and Fortress Misslemax. He provides regular housing and transport for Zapbot and human crews during missions to various planets. With powerful force, he has destroyed enemy armies and turned the tide of many battles. He does not interact much outside of robot form. His Liason Scramper provides security and awareness in City mode, while Six Shotbot provides security.
- Quote: "Bravery is the ultimate weapon."
- Transformation: City - Battle Base
- Weapons: 15 Rocket Launchers, Laser Gun, 20 Pop Out Guns, 10 Missle Launchers
- Special Weapons: Laser Rays
- Shields: Good 7 Hours
- Speed: Warp 1-10
- Armor: Heavy 60 Inches
- Communications: Radio, CB, Intercom
- Target/Tracking: Radar, Scanners
- Weakness: Slow which makes him an easy target.
- Transformer Inspiration: Metroplex
- Family: None
Original Series
Ship Crew
- Gaxator - Commander
- Ultra Attack - Commander - moved over from Fortress Misslemax
- Soundtrack - Communications
- Hot Shot - Navigation - moved over from Fortress Misslemax
- Sand - Navigation
- Rup - Security - moved over from Fortress Misslemax
- Iron - Security - although he would sometimes be on Fortress Misslemax as well.
- Bop - Security - later in Reboot
- Repairs - Engineering - moved over temporarily during Robot Trek series.
- Popper - Weapons
- Poppin - Strategist
- Vebox - Data Scientist
- Vision - Strategist - moved over from Fortress Misslemax
- Scramper — Liason
- Six Shotbot — Liason
Behind the Scenes
Yep, Duplaflex... hey I was 14, can you blame for a dumb-ass name?
I never understood why Metroplex has only one ramp and I was very much a fan of symmetry at the time. So Duplaflex basically got two ramps. Double your pleasure. I also felt like the cities really needed to be like huge! Zapbot Fortresses not only had levels that had to accommodate Combiners (and large robots like Slipstream) but you had human levels interwoven between these. So pictures TNG Enterprise with in-between decks for trolls.
era: 1985
era: 1985
era: 1985
era: 1986
era: 1986
era: 1987
era: 1987
era: 1987
era: 1987
era: 1988
era: 1988
era: 1992
era: 1992 - This came out well. Proud of this.
era: 1992 - Another good example of the 1988 drawings were just fine and the Battle Station mode got ruined by trying to adhere strictly to perspective.
era: 1996 - Marker class
era: - Marker class
era 1992 - The three cities on Gearatron. Omega Dupreme, Fortress Misslemax and Duplaflex.