- Soundtrack is a Zapbots Cars from the Generation 1 continuity family.

'Rock and Roll Wiz' and communication assistant, Soundtrack is known for stopping the enemy in their tracks by blowing out their audio receptors with music from around the Universe. As a communications specialist, he can translate over 10,000 different languages from the known planets in the galaxy. Later stationed on Duplaflex under Gaxator he provides communication expertise to the entire team. Friendly, joyful, and fun Soundtrack does what he can to keep the grooves moving and the bases rocking. He also can use Tapes technology which he shared with his good friend Hightone.
- Quote: "Now, sissy that walk!"
- Transformation: Martini Racing Porsche 935/76
- Weapons: Laser Gun, Rocket Ball Launcher, 5 Pop-out guns
- Special Weapons: Audio Magnification, Tapes
- Shields: Weak 3 Hours
- Speed: 100 MPH
- Armor: Heavy 10 inches
- Communications: Radio
- Target/Tracking: Radar, Scanners
- Weakness: Known to scramble his own circuits
- Transformer Inspiration: Jazz
- Fictional Character Inspiration: PuPaul
- Family:
Original Series
Behind the Scenes
When I originally drew him back in 1990, the one feedback I got from my friends (or various onlookers to my art) was that he wasn't different enough from Jazz and I hadn't diverged enough to make him my own character. With his revision in 2021 (and everyone else) I have attempted to try and move as far away from the Transformers inspiration as possible.
era: 1987
era: 1988
era: 1990