- Vebox is an Zapbots Scientists from the Generation 1 continuity family.

Vebox is one of the most highly regarded Zapbots on Gearatron graduating the top at the academy and also winning several science prizes. He has an intense intellectual curiosity that is only matched by his friend and counterpart Scan. While Scan may venture off into space, Vebox prefers to stay close to Gearatron for his experiments. Also updating his alt-mode during a hibernation period, he now is a Russian Helicopter that can infiltrate enemy camps easily hacking computers and servers. He has a very dry sense of humor as he tries to bring this to tense situations as he does not like conflict among other Zapbots.
- Quote: "Bazinga!"
- Transformation:
ComputerRussian Helicopter - Weapons: Missles
- Special Weapons: His computational cortex
- Shields: Good 6 Hours
- Speed: 150 MPH
- Armor: Medium 5 Inches
- Communications: Radio, CB, Modem, Wi-Fi
- Target/Tracking: Scanners
- Weakness: Only advanced knowledge can defeat him.
- Big Bang Theory Inspiration: Leonard
- Family: None
Original Series
The Return
Vebox joined the away party to help configure Gearatron's ancient transformation into a planet.
Robot Trek I
Vebox repaired Shortstop after the attack from the Nonocons.
Robot Trek II
Vebox arrived on Duplaflex with Fortress Misslemax's new power supply.
Robot Trek III
Vebox was seen with Scan providing details of the Ancient Gearatron device before Fortress Misslemax took off to intercept.
Robot Trek IV
Vebox was stationed on Duplaflex.
Robot Trek V
Vebox was stationed on Duplaflex as the Ancient Zapbot device approached Gearatron.
Vebox helped keep Scan calm while the Tech Team conduct an investigation on the mysterious explosions around the ship.
Vebox worked with Pliers and Repairs furiously to repair Fortress Misslemax while the ship was stuck in a frozen wormhole.
The Fall and Rebirth of Gearatron
Vebox was stationed at Omega Dupreme's base on Gearatron to help prepare for the oncoming attack from the Nonocons.
Behind the Scenes
I was always like 'hey why can't there be two computer scientists?' so I created Vebox, the goofer light-hearted version of Scan. You can picture Scan as like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory, and Vebox as Leonard.