- Gaxator is a Zapbots Leaders from the Generation 1 continuity family.

Gaxator is a robotic phallus, and he doesn't care about it. Ever since he came off the assembly line he's wanted to be the best and have his own command. He worked hard to get to become the captain of Duplaflex and he wears with pride, and also has no problem proclaiming it over and over again. Beyond the stubbornness, he actually is an amazing commander with several historical records of 'saving-the-day' in the Zapbot database. Other Zapbots under his command believe he is overcompensating for something when really Gaxator is a classical narcissist. At the end of the day, he doesn't care what other creatures (organic or non-organic) think, he just strives to be the very best. Beyond that Poppin seems to be the one Zapbot he confides in.
- Quote: "Make it happen!"
- Transformation: F-15 Eagle fighter jet
- Weapons: Photon Canons, Null Ray
- Special Weapons: Sarcasm
- Shields: Weak 1 Hour
- Speed: Mach 5
- Armor: 2 Inches
- Communications: Radar, Scanner
- Target/Tracking: Infrared
- Weakness: Use to have an ego, but has since got it under control.
- Transformer Inspiration: somewhat Thundercracker
- Family: None
Original Series
Robot Trek IV
Gaxator is ushered as Captain of Duplaflex and attempts to chase down Shortstop as he and his team steals Fortress Misslemax to try to revive Boaty.
The Fall and Rebirth of Gearatron
Gaxator leads the crew of Duplaflex on a quest to The Yellow Planet to grab a shield upgrade code to enhance the Zapbots shields for the Nonocon weapons upgrades.
Behind the Scenes
Gaxator I believe was created for the plot point of Robot Trek IV. Gaxator I made a total dick. He basically was the hard-ass commander that no one liked (kind of like Captain Jellico from TNG). He commands Duplaflex and basically got the B teams. But he's not a fool, he's a competent commander (kind of like Jellico) he just doesn't like to have any fun. While the crew roll their eyes they go along with it because they know deep down he really cares.
Also always thought the good-guys needed a leader 'jet.'
era 1990