- Bridge is an Zapbots Legend from the Generation 1 continuity family.

Lighting handles the information flow for the Ancient Zapbot council. If you want to get something started you must see him and proceed to fill out several forms. He also manages all secretive data concerning the government. No time for errors, Lighting is always precise. In his spare time he hangs out with Bridge to help develop new inventions to push technology farther for all Zapbot-kind. Specializing in shield technology, Lighting has helped to improve Gearatron's defenses over the years. Some time later, he became a father figure to Geo/Shane.
- Quote: "The robobuck stops here."
- Transformation: Ancient Gearatron Jet
- Weapons: Hand Lasers
- Special Weapons:
- Shields: 5 Hours
- Speed: 100 mpg
- Armor: Heavy 8 Inches
- Communications: Ancient Zapbot Telecom
- Target/Tracking: Short Range Scanners
- Weakness: Slow at moving which makes him an easy target.
- Transformer Inspiration: None
- Star Trek Inspiration: None
- Family: None
Original Series
Zapbots the Beginning
Millions of years before the present day, The Ancient Zapbots Bridge, Lighting and Knife sent the Matrix of Leadership out to find a new holder to reconstruct the Zapbots race as the Junkicons were just about to destroy the last of them on Ancient Gearatron.
Robot Trek V
Shortstop and his crew travel back in time to try and find an ancient code to deactivate the Ancient Gearatron Device from destroying Gearatron. They meet Bridge who is building the device. Bridge deduces that the visitors are up to no good when Boaty mentions something about the synthetic components of the device. Lighting and Knife attempt to stop Shortstop and his crew from grabbing the codes the Modern Zapbots abilities overpower the ancient Zapbots security guards. As Shortstop's crew attempt to escape back to the future the Ancient Zapbots give chase but are disabled due to the cloaking technology of the stolen Nonocons ship.
The Fall and Rebirth of Gearatron
Behind the Scenes
Same same here, finally got a chance to draw him as well.