- Speedy is a Zapbots Minicars from the Generation 1 continuity family.

While not a fighter of any sort, Speedy is an excellent spy and is used to provide routine recon towards enemy locations. Speedy has the best optical sensors of any Zapbot which allows him to see items hundreds of miles away if needed. Small, and impulsive, he will usually be the one who asks the most basic questions no one else is willing to ask. He spends most of the time with his brother Timetravel who is constantly trying to cheer him up from his various depression episodes that occur from time to time.
- Quote: "I'll fight but only if absolutely necessary."
- Transformation: Volkswagen VW Bug aka "Herby"
- Weapons: Hand Lasers
- Special Weapons: None
- Shields: None
- Speed: 70-75 MPH
- Armor: Light Amor 2.5 Inches Thick
- Communications: Radio
- Target/Tracking: Scanners
- Weakness: Not proficient at fighting.
- Transformer Inspiration: Bumblebees
- Star Trek Inspiration: Wesley Crusher
- Family:
- Timetravel, Shortwing: Brothers
- Boaty, Flier: Half-Brothers
- Bolts: Half-Cousin
Original Series
At the annual mini-vehicles baseball game, Speedy struck out. Depressed and frustrated with his lack of abilities he requested his optical sensors to be removed for some sort of weapons. However strange explosions started to happen around Fortress Misslemax and only Speedy could see a bright light before they occurred. Speedy's special optical vision helped to determine where bombs were placed around Fortress Misslemax and solve the mystery before Misslemax was blown to pieces.
Behind the Scenes
Speedy was meant to represent the obsessive 'whiny' side of my personality. At least, that was the original intention but as time went on he became the 'fan-voice' of the show (kinda like how Seven of Nine was in Voyager.) Inspired by Bumblebee who I always felt should have some sort of weapon, I at least gave Speedy hand lasers. His personality was really fleshed out in the Mystery story/
era: 1984
era: 1985
era: 1986
era: 1988
era: 1990