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Jeremy is a Human XO-Suits from the Generation 1 continuity family.
era 2022 - "Yeah... I'm that good... and good looking too!"
New sketch from the talented Spooky Wolf.

Jeremy is the human that is binary-bonded into Twirl's Body. A long-time pen-pal of Anthony Jeremy rose to the highest Headmaster ranks graduating on both the Zapbot Headmaster program and also the United States Air-Force Academy. His positive attitude and energic determination help him succeed where others have failed. He is also the only person that can beat Anthony at chess.  

  • Quote: "Don't overcomplicate things." 
  • Transformation: Head of Twirl, Alternate Transformations for Travel
  • Weapons: Laser Canon
  • Special Weapons: High visibility radar.
  • Shields: 4 Hours
  • Speed: 150 MPH
  • Armor: Medium 5 Inches
  • Communications: Radar, Satellite
  • Target/Tracking: Classified
  • Weakness: High energy output can sometimes get him into trouble.
  • Transformer Inspiration: None


Original Series

The Escape

Jeremy was one of several friends captured by terrorists to try and lure Anthony into a trap.

Robot Trek IV

After the creation of New Gearatron, David and Jeremy were Zapbot Ambassadors sent on the human ship Tonka to analyze and investigate the planet. When the Tonka was destroyed by the Nonocons they had to quickly come up with a plan to rescue the body of Boaty and escape before New Gearatron exploded. Jeremy chooses not to leave David's side and unfortunately, they were captured by the Nonocons. 

The Boys Town 2

Jeremy was one of the away team members that helped to rescue a group of boys from Nazi who took over their school. 


Jeremy accompanied Anthony on a visit to his family and helped to protect him from mysterious explosions planted around Fortress Misslemax. As Twirl he also helped to protect Fortress Misslemax.

The Fall and Rebirth of Gearatron

Jeremy was one of the many Headmaster warriors protecting the United States Capital when numerous Zapbot enemies launched an all-scale assault on Earth.

Behind the Scenes

When I went down to Florida with my family as a young lad, Jeremy was the neighbor down the street. While we were several years off in age we quickly became good friends and then pen-pals and continued to communicate throughout the years. I lost touch with him but recently was able to reconnect with him and he is doing well.