The Yellow Planet

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Anthony and his friend David crash land on a mysterious planet and David is the one who saves the day.

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The Zapbots are privy to an attack from the Gongos as Anthony tries to lead a peace treaty with several local planets wishing to become part of the newly established Federation. After the Zapbots stop the attack from the Gongos they insist that Master Anthony go on a vacation with his friend David.

Anthony and David set off for Prueter Five but their shuttlecraft is shot down by an unknown force. They land on a strange Yellow Planet and make contact with the humanlike inhabitants. The locals of the planet indicate that they are under constant barrage by an evil race of winged monsters called the Morphites. During an attack on the city which Anthony defends, he is knocked unconscious and close to death (yet again...)

While waiting in a hospital room on the strange planet an elderly alien comes up to David and tells him he needs to go get a special medicine from the Morphites in order to save Anthony. David also learns he can also send out a distress call as the Morphites are the only ones with subspace technology.

In the meantime Fortress Misslemax is attacked by a new Gongos ship with the ability to cloak. During the attack Iron, Sand and Soar invade the ship and set the warp core to self-destruct but they are blocked from escaping while the timer is counting down.

David grabs Anthony's XO Suit and goes off on a journey to invade the Morphites' city. Along the way the strange old alien man keep appearing giving him advice on what to do. Suddenly, David is taken prisoner by some strange alien monsters unable to reach the XO Suit. During the event Anthony subconsciously sends out a call to his X-O suit to help rescue David and David overtakes the monsters to resume his quest.

David reaches the Morphites' city and ascends the main tower to find the communication array. The old man appears and indicates he must grab a potion to save Anthony (called Vemur.) David grabs the Vemur and heads to the other tower while fighting off Morphites chasing after him.

Back at Fortress Misslemax, Hightone dispatches his tapes Muncher, Steel, Scout and Slywing to help the three Zapbots stuck inside the Gongos' ship. They escape just before the ship explodes and are reclaimed by Fortress Misslemax's tractor beam. The Zapbots proceed to Prueter Five but after finding out their Master had not arrived, they retrace his stellar path to try and find out what happened.

David proceeds to fight the Morphite King but is knocked out by a powerful weapon. At that moment Botimus breaks through and grabs the King saving David. A battle with the Zapbots and Morphites ensues and the Morphite King uses a enlarger stone to grow twice the size of the Zapbots. Botimus dispatches his trailer mode while charging up it's laser, firing it upon the enlarged Morphite, destroying him.

Back at the alien hospital, the doctors revive Anthony with the Vemur, and David finds out the strange old man was a former King of the Yellow Planet.

Anthony, David and the Zapbots enjoy some much needed vacation time on the Yellow Planet after chasing the Morphites out of the sector.

Featured characters

Zapbots Humans Enemies Planets



King Titus to Anthony and David when he has a Wizard of Oz microphone fail moment.



  • First Version: 1988?
  • Second Version: 1995?
  • Third Version: 2021

Production notes

  • Introduction of David with his Headmaster body Windshield. David was my friend my church who I rarely got to see. At time went on he became more absorbed in religion as I became more gay and thus we sort of parted ways. However my time with him during my youth are cherished memories of us just being goofy.
  • (I believe) this is the first appearance of Iron, Sand, Soar, Dodge, Muncher, Steel, Scout, and Slywing.
  • Third pass to provide extra details and upgrades happened in 2021.

Continuity notes

Real-life references

  • Prueter Five is named after my favorite Latin Teacher from High School, Mr. William Prueter.

Continuity and plotting errors

Other trivia

  • Strange interesting fun fact. There is an alarm clock that I describe in this story that I threw away many years ago (think 2005). Strangely recently I felt the need to find this exactly same model again and I purchased it on eBay. Rereading the story now I realized the strange sound the static would make when it would turn on, which made me realize why I got rid of the original one I had. It's funny on how life goes in circles sometimes.
  • Really proud of the perspective of this movie poster.