Robot Trek V

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The Zapbots attempt to return home to Gearatron as the planet is attacked by the Ancient Gearatron Device.

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Back on Earth Shortstop and his crew proceed to prepare to take the stolen Nonocons' ship back to Gearatron to face charges. Boaty is progressing on his memory, but is concerned about his friends. Flier and he share a moment before they leave Earth.

In space Duplaflex comes across the Ancient Device, having reconstructed itself after the explosion of New Gearatron. It proceeds to zap Duplaflex of any power and continues its path towards 'Old' Gearatron.

Back on Earth, Anthony says goodbye to his friend Mike Quartz unsure of what will happen next when he faces the High Council.

The Ancient Device approaches Gearatron and proceeds to zap the planet of its energy. The Zapbots scramble to try and find a way to disable the probe. As a last resort Earnon sends out a distress message. Shortstop's Team picks up the distress call and Scan and Boaty determine that it is the Ancient Zapbot device attacking Gearatron attempting to reformat the planet. Boaty concludes that if they go back in time to Ancient Gearatron to get the codes from the creators of the device, they can use those codes to disable the device.

Using Timetravel's circuits and warping around the sun, the Zapbots proceed to travel back to Ancient Gearatron, around 100,000 B.C. Cloaking to avoid detection they set down on the far side of the planet. Unfortunately Pliers reports that the main energy crystals for the Nonocons' ship have been drained. Boaty deduces that they can use the solar collection energy from Gearatron to recharge the crystals.

Shortstop devides the Zapbots into several teams. Team 1 will consist of Hightone and Scan, attempting to harvest enough energy from the collectors to re-power the ship. Team 2 is Botimus, Speedy, Boaty, Flier and Shortstop as they try to find out how to get the code for the device. Team 3 is Timetravel, Flash, Carry-On, Pick-Up, Pliers and Overload who will continue to repair the ship and keep the cloaking device working.

Team 2 proceeds to enter the city to gather information. They enter a restaurant establishment and order some energy. Flier proceeds to view a news screen that indicates that the Ancient Device is being launched soon. Determining that the device is being held at the Space Center, Speedy strolls up to the bar for directions and is astounded to find Bop working the bar! Realizing now that Bop was an Ancient Zapbots they proceed to ask him for directions and head off to the Space Center.

They head to the Space Center and Flier uses his skills to finagle the female administration assistant bot to allow them passage to talk to Bridge the main scientist. Boaty has a discussion with Bridge and is gathering information just fine until he brings up the synthetic compound of the device. Suddenly Bridge changes his demeanor and the Zapbots leave in a hurry.

Meanwhile, Hightone and Scan are proceeding to try and collect the energy from the solar collectors. They slowly sneak into the facility.

Back at the Science lab Shortstop's team carefully crawl their way into the lab where the Ancient Device is being held. However they are confronted by Bridge, Lighting and Knife. As they interrogate the Zapbots Shortstop on a hunch decide to tell them the truth about the future, and the destruction of Gearatron. At first, the Ancient Zapbots don't believe him and Knife shows he possesses the Matrix of Leadership. To prove their story Anthony separates from his Shortstop body much to the Ancient Zapbots' disgust. They call for security and Shortstop throws up a shield to allow Boaty the time to grab the codes from the Ancient Device. After Boaty has the codes the team heads back up to the ventilation shaft they came in and proceed to escape outside the complex in vehicle mode.

Back at the solar collections Hightone has knocked out all the guards as Scan proceeds to collect the energy needed for the crystals. Guards attempt to stop them from leaving but Hightone releases his Tapes to deal with them, distracting them enough to leave the area and fly back to the Nonocons' ship.

Back at the ship Shortstop's team arrives and proceeds to board. They are suddenly met by Bridge, Knife and Lighting who transform from aircraft modes and land. They request to come to the future of which Shortstop denies them passage as Boaty indicates it would disturb the timeline. The Zapbots proceed to take off in the recharged Nonocons' ship to head back home. However, the Ancient Zapbots proceed to follow them and attack in their own ships. Using the cloaking technology Shortstop's team disable the Ancient Zapbot's ships and proceed to warp around the sun to head back to their own time.

In between the time jump, Anthony dreams of another reality where he is older, bald, and sad.

When the Zapbots arrive back in their time they proceed to attempt to transmit back to the Ancient Device the codes to disable it. However, the Nonocons' ship is suddenly drained of energy and proceeds to head for a crash landing into the surface of Gearatron. Using the last of the ship's power they successfully crash land on Gearatron.

Anthony awakes to find another Shortstop body completely destroyed. As the Zapbots exit, the destroyed ship they find that the Ancient Zapbot device is destroyed and power has returned to normal on the planet. As they walk towards the city and emergency crews fly up to meet them, including Bop who meets up with Speedy for a huge hug now that they all know the inside joke.

Later Shortstop's team is on trial for their actions in the previous adventure. However, due to their actions of saving Gearatron all charges are dropped. The Zapbots rejoice as Anthony's friend Mike looks down from his seat and shakes his head smiling.

Several weeks later Slipstream takes the team to view their new ship. As they come across the view, they see Fortress Misslemax-B as their new ship. They proceed to settle in and take the ship out for a spin, thus ending the Robot Trek saga.

In the epilogue scene, Secretish breaks the Nonocons out of the Zapbot prison as he has assumed control from Amphotron's demise.

Featured characters

Zapbots Humans Nonocons Planets


"Two Zapbots that transform into old Earth technology, sure what’s there to worry about?"

Scan to Hightone



  • First Version: 1990?
  • Second Version: 2020
  • Third Version: 2021

Production notes

  • Obviously was taken from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, but once again adapted a bit.
  • First apperance of Cloud, Slick, and first real introduction of Bridge, Lighting and Knife.
  • Third pass to provide extra details and upgrades happened in 2021.

Continuity notes

Real-life references

Continuity and plotting errors

Other trivia