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- Scout is an Zapbot Tapes from the Generation 1 continuity family.

Friendly but very shy, Scout prefers to only communicate with a few Zapbots, mainly Hightone, Shortstop, and his brother Steel. While he is a bot of few words, when he does speak it's prophetic and interesting. He has excellent abilities in battle to literally come out of nowhere, disabling the enemy with very little effort. In his downtime he has been known to be quite the practical joker.
- Quote: "Look down upon the enemy."
- Transformation: Tape
- Weapons: Piston cannon, Hand Lasers
- Special Weapons: Strength
- Shields: None
- Speed: 40 MPH
- Armor: Light 2 Inches
- Communications: Radio
- Target/Tracking: Scanners
- Weakness: Overheating can scramble circuits
- Transformer Inspiration: Rewind
- Family: Steel - Brother
Original Series
Behind the Scenes
era: 1986
era: 1987
era: 1988
era: 1990