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- Steel is an Zapbot Tapes from the Generation 1 continuity family.

Defender of his little brother Scout (even though he technically smaller in height than him) Steel has been known to stop the advancement of entire armies by himself with his various skills. Stern is personality, him cracking a smile is a once in a year event. Upon discovering the earth sport of Football he plays started a team with Tiretracks and U-Turn. Beyond his brash exterior he is quite a joyful bot, you just wouldn't know from the way he conducts himself on the battlefield.
- Quote: "Recharge, Drink and be Merry."
- Transformation: Tape
- Weapons: Piston Cannon, Hand Lasers, Fire
- Special Weapons: Strength
- Shields: Good 4 Hours
- Speed: 45 MPH
- Armor: Heavy 10 Inches
- Communications: Radio
- Target/Tracking: Scanners, Radar
- Weakness: Slow at moving which makes him an easy target
- Transformer Inspiration: Eject
- Family: Scout - Brother
Original Series
Behind the Scenes
era: 1985
era: 1986
era: 1988
era: 1990