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- Dematerialize is a Zapbots Cars from the Generation 1 continuity family.

One of the most gentle Zapbots, Dematerialize prefers to hang in the background until absolutely needed. His ability to become invisible allows him to sneak behind enemy lines with ease and create diversions or disable shields. Dematerialize prefers anything but war, but will go along with the program to save humans or less-abled beings.
- Quote: "Now you see me, now you don't"
- Transformation: F-1 Ligier JS11
- Weapons: Heat Gun, Rocket Launcher
- Special Weapons: Cloaking
- Shields: Almost None 1 Hour
- Speed: 110 MPH
- Armor: Light 3 Inches
- Communications: Radio
- Target/Tracking: Scanners
- Weakness: Even with his special ability he gets captured way too often.
- Transformer Inspiration: Mirage
- Family:
Original Series
Robot Trek II
Dematerialize was captured with Hologram when the Nonocons invaded Fortress Misslemax. Using their special abilities they were able to cloak Terrain and Iron to aid in their rescue.
Behind the Scenes
My version of Mirage. Never really used him much since the concept has been beaten to death.
era: 1987
era: 1988
era: 1990