Robot Trek IV
The Zapbots head off to search for Boaty's body and find an old enemy along the way.
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The Zapbots head back to 'Old' Gearatron on Fortress Misslemax. Roberta picks up a notice that someone has entered the late Boaty's quarters. Shortstop goes to investigate and finds Flier in the quarters in a delirious state.
Meanwhile back at 'New' Gearatron the Human Federation Ship the Tonka is approaching for investigation. Aboard the ship Headmasters Twirl (Jeremy) and Windshield (David) are preparing to help investigate the new planet. The Tonka detects a life form on New Gearatron and the two Headmasters head down to the planet to investigate.
Back on 'old' Gearatron Shortstop and team discover that Fortress Misslemax is going to be completely rebuilt from scratch. Offended by the dismantling of his body Anthony puts up an argument to Earnon to politely dismisses his concerns. He also informs the team that New Gearatron is off limits much to Anthony's dismay. Pliers and Repairs are reassigned to Duplaflex to help with upgrades.
Later in a Gearatron bar the bridge crew is hanging out nursing their wounds when Pliers pulls up and lets everyone know Boaty's essence is still alive inside Flier. If they go back to New Gearatron they can possibly bring Boaty back to life.
At the edge of the Universe Amphotron and the Nonocons learn the details of the newly created planet. They head out to try and claim it before the Zapbots return.
On New Gearatron Windshield (David) and Twirl (Jeremy) are surveying the planet. They come across an open grave and report back to the Tonka noticing a strange energy signature. During the conversation the Nonocons warp into the atmosphere and destroy the Tonka. Understanding the situation the Headmasters go off in search for the strange energy signature they have discovered.
Shortstop has a discussion with Earnon to try and go back to New Gearatron to see if they can rescue Boaty. Earnon refuses the request. In the meantime Gaxator the commander of Duplaflex greets Pliers and indirectly offends him.
Back at New Gearatron Windshield and Twirl meet up with the zombie body of Boaty that is just walking to nowhere.
On 'Old' Gearatron Shortstop and his crew break Flier out of the mental hospital. At Fortress Misslemax - Roberta, Pick-Up, Carry-On, Hightone and Scan are heading to Earth to prepare for their arrival, while Shortstop, Botimus Prime, Flier, Timetravel, Flash, Overload, Speedy and Pliers will head to New Gearatron to search for Boaty's body. They secretly commandeer Fortress Misslemax and are in pursuit by Duplaflex. Fortress Misslemax warps out of Gearatron's orbit and Gaxator orders a pursuit. However Duplaflex instead transforms into robot mode and refused to follow orders as Pliers had a conversation with him before he left.
Back on New Gearatron Windshield and Twirl realize that something isn't right with New Gearatron as its energy source seems unstable. However, through its energy source, it was able to regenerate Boaty's body. However, without his program, he is a walking zombie. The Headmasters are suddenly attacked by Skyscream and Skydust who disable them.
As Fortress Misslemax warped into orbit around New Gearatron they notice the Tonka missing. Sensing something is a miss, Shortstop prepares for battle. The Nonocons drop out of cloak but quickly the Zapbots attack them stopping them from firing first. During the battle on the Nonoconss' ship, Tri-Star begins to complain to Amphotron] who promptly destroys him and burns the body of Alan inside of his body. The Nonocons regain their ship and disable Fortress Misslemax. Attempting to bluff his way out of the battle Shortstop threatens Amphotron but Amphotron of course indicates he has his friends hostage down on the surface. Amphotron demands Shortstop surrenders and to prove his determination he orders one of his friends to be killed. Skyscream first attempts to kill Twirl but Windshield fights with him and is overpowered by Skyscream causing Windshield's death.
Shortstop (Anthony) grieves for the loss of another friend. He agrees to surrender Fortress Misslemax to Amphotron. He orders the crew to meet them in the docking bay. On the bridge, Shortstop, Botimus Prime and Timetravel execute the commands for self-destruct and with the rest of the crew escape through the back docking bay on Fortress Misslemax heading to the planet below. The Nonocons crew boards Fortress Misslemax but just as they arrive on the bridge, the ship self-destructs destroying most of the Nonocons. On New Gearatron's surface below the crew sadly watches their home go down in flames.
The Zapbots fly off to find their friends as New Gearatron begins to fall apart. The Zapbots attack Skyscream and Skydust who quickly retreat back to the Nonocons ship. Shortstop runs up to Windshield and finds that he still contains human life signs. Shortstop goats Amphotron to battle him on the planet's surface. Amphotron reaches the planet and agrees to let everyone go back to their ship as prisoners except the body of Boaty.
On the exploding planet of New Gearatron Amphotron threatens Shortstop for the secrets of the Matrix. They engage in battle and Amphotron has Shortstop hanging by the ledge. As he about to destroy him, Anthony disengaged from his Shortstop body and flies up to Amphotron's head, destroying it in the process with his X-O Suit. Both the Shortstop body and Amphotron fall into the river of molten lava below.
Anthony in his X-O Suit flies over to Zombie Boaty and forces his body to transform into aerial vehicle mode. He then enters his old friend and uses him to fly back to the Nonocon ship.
Anthony arrives with Boaty on the Nonocons ship to find the Zapbots have overtaken the ship capturing Skyscream and his crew. They proceed to throw them in the brig while they escape New Gearatron before it explodes. After New Gearatron explodes the core of the planet which remained intact starts to regenerate into a ship and proceeds to leave orbit, passing the dead body of Tri-Star lingering in dead space.
Anthony greets his friend David recovering in the makeshift human bed on the Nonocons' ship. The Zapbots head to Earth in the stolen Nonocons' ship and meet up with their friends. Scan proceeds to do the mind transfer sequence, connecting directly to Flier and Boaty. When done, Scan walks away from a recharge, Flier is okay and then the body of Boaty begins to arise. At first Boaty doesn't recognize anyone but then slowly his memory starts to come back and everyone is elated they were able to save their friend.
Back in 'Old' Gearatron space Gaxator on Duplaflex pick up a strange object coming into orbit. The Ancient Device from New Gearatron is now reaching 'Old' Gearatron and Duplaflex engages engines to intercept.
To Be Continued...
Featured characters
Zapbots | Humans | Nonocons | Planets |
"Well! The old human is trying to have it his way isn’t he?"
- Gaxator replying about Shortstop stealing Fortress Misslemax.
- First Version: 1990?
- Second Version: 2020
- Third Version: 2021
Production notes
- Yep this obviously was taken from Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, however, I think you would agree it gives you enough twists and turns to make the story its own.
- Don't think any new characters appear here.
- Third pass to provide extra details and upgrades that happened in 2021.