The Boys Town Part 2
A school of boys is held captive by terrorists as the Zapbots must find a way to save them.

In an old battered down school in a small town in German Mike Quartz sits at a window and watches the rain fall contemplating his life. The University he is at is falling apart and he misses his companionship with his futuristic friend. His brother Jim Quartz walks in handing him a letter from Anthony indicating that he provided money to fix up the school.
Back on Fortress Misslemax in Anthony's quarters, his Headmaster friends Matt R. aka 'Rogish', David and Jeremy are visiting trying to cheer him up.
We return to Mike Quartz who is having lunch in the cafeteria with his friends who are making fun of him for the 'rumor' he knows the Zapbots.
Back on Fortress Misslemax the Zapbots are going over their research of the human conspiracy efforts. After much analysis the Zapbots conclude that whether they intervened or not the humans would have arrived to the same problems they were now facing. Shortstop (Anthony) seems depressed after telling Mike Quartz to stay on Earth incognito. The Zapbots attempt to mobilize their efforts to do what they can to make his life easier.
Back at the school in Germany a white truck pulls up to the gate carrying terrorists. They invade the school and proceed to start herding the boys into the cafeteria to contain as hostages. Mike Quartz senses the arrival and gets his friends to sneak safety into the attic without the terrorists noticing. They proceed to watch the collection of young adults in the cafeteria from the attic vents and recognizes the men as Nazi's from his old hometown, with the main leader called Gib and his sideman called Til. Mike Quartz activates the distress call from the watch Anthony gave him.
Up at Fortress Misslemax Anthony and the rest of his Head Masters friends gather to head down to Earth. They fly down to the town in German undercover as Anthony rides in Rogish's truck. As they talk to the local police they gather then the hostages have taken over the entire University complex, but also that they have some sort of Force Field that is blocking entering or transmission. The team on Fortress Misslemax does determine that Anthony and his friends in XO-Suits modes can enter the complex through an old series of train tracks and pipes that go through the mountain and proceed to go into the complex. Anthony communicates directly with Mike Quartz and makes plans for their escape.
Anthony, Jeremy, David and Rogish proceed down the sewer tunnels to rescue the kids. Meanwhile the terrorists proceed to torture the kids as Gib attempts to find Mike Quartz and his crew. Meanwhile Mike Quartz communicates to the boys and gets them to all congregate carefully into the four main bathrooms of the complex. There, Anthony and his friends proceed to lift the floor grates and escort the boys out through the sewer drains.
As Anthony and his friends rescue the boys, the terrorists release the bombs around the complex causing the structure of the pipes to crack. Slowly water began increase and Anthony sets up a force field to hold if back from drowning everyone as the boys run to safety. Once they are in the cave tunnel they proceed to the exit only to find that entrance they originally started on had collapsed causing them all to be sealed in.
Anthony and the crew proceed to navigate the boys towards another exit on the far side of the mountain. He tries to communicate with Fortress Misslemax but his communication calls are jammed. The team finds another exit but suddenly the rock begins to cave in causing everyone to run hastily to exit the cave before collapse. Anthony throws Mike Quartz out of the cave just as the entire mountain collapses on top of him.
As the humans are out of the mountain suddenly Nazi reign down bullets from above. The Head Masters combine with their larger bodies and take out the Nazi firing upon the boys from above. Mike Quartz runs up to the rubble as Anthony slowly digs his way out. Suddenly they hear a voice and as Anthony combines with his Shortstop body he looks up to see Secretish standing high up on the cliff above.
Shortstop taunts Secretish for battle. For a moment Shortstop is winning until Secretish engages his Black Matrix magic causing the Shortstop body to be destroyed. Anthony disengages from the body and flies into the forest as the entire army of Zapbots descend down upon Secretish causing him to retreat.
Mike Quartz finds Anthony in the forest and proceeds to work to try to revive him. He proceeds to help him up while Anthony tells him to escape. Mike Quartz argues with Anthony and finally admits his feelings to him. As Anthony recognizes the moment they turn around to see Gib standing there. Gib takes revenge on Mike Quartz by shooting Anthony several times causing him to collapse. As he turns to shoot Mike Quartz, Botimus Prime lands on Gib completely squashing the Nazi.
Botimus Prime takes Anthony back to Fortress Misslemax for hospitalization. While unconscious Anthony talks to Matt_E.. in a space between Universes and mind and body. He informs him that there is a few more items to go before everything 'changes.' Anthony awakens to find his friends and Minibots standing around him as he recovers. At that moment Mike Quartz and Anthony finally admit their feelings to each other as they agree to take the risks of life together. As Mike Quartz walks out of the room, Anthony admits he might finally be in love.
In the Epilogue, the Zapbots receive a distress call from a sector near Gearatron and fly to investigate.
Featured characters
Zapbots | Humans | Nonocons | Planets |
“It’s a waste de-materializ-er. How do you think we keep things clean in space?” I noted.
“Why didn’t I get one?”
“You never asked,” I replied smiling.
- Anthony to Rogish as they work to rescue the hostages.
- First Version: 1991?
- Second Version: 2020
- Third Version: 2021
Production notes
- This story was inspired by the movie Toy Soldiers which of course has Wil Wheaton in it. I basically wanted to write a story with a 'happy' ending
- First appearances of Pull-Along and Wheels.
Continuity notes
Real-life references
- Germany - Terin (Terin is not a real town, but Germany is obviously a real country.)