- Tiremarks is a Zapbots Cars from the Generation 1 continuity family.

A great fighter on the battlefield when he doesn't let his vanity get in the way. Tiremarks is all about his looks and how he is perceived by any species mechanical or organic. Very self-concerned with himself, he is known to have various competitions with Timetravel. He is one of the first Zapbots to have alternative programming for companionship with the same gender. Ever since 'coming out of the garage' has become a spokesperson for education. Battle-wise his surface-to-air missiles have been known to disable the enemy air units with ferocity.
- Quote: "Being the greatest is what life is all about."
- Transformation: Chevrolet Corvette "C3" model-year 1980-1982
- Weapons: Missles, Photon Gun, Fire Guns
- Special Weapons: Air Missiles
- Shields: Weak 2 Hours
- Speed: 90 MPH
- Armor: Light 2 Inches
- Communications: Radio
- Target/Tracking: Radar
- Weakness: Doesn't take fighting seriously.
- Transformer Inspiration: Tracks
- Will & Grace Inspiration: Jack
- Family: Tiretracks - Companion
Original Series
Back in Time
Tiremarks was discovered to have alternate programming that made him prefer male companionship. He became a companion to Tiretracks.
Behind the Scenes
The other 'gay' Zapbot that had the whole story revolving around him and Tiretracks.
era: 1987
era: 1987??
era: 1988
era: 1990