Ninja Wars
The Zapbots team up with the Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles to help take down a threat in New York City.

In the dark streets of New York City, a group of heroes save an elderly lady from a thug who tires to rob her. The TMNT] proceed to skate down their sewers in excitement. They reach their underground home while Master Splinter is watching the TV. April O'Neal reports that new technology obtained by the Zapbots will be used to help fight crime. The Turtles proceed to go investigate much to their Master's orders.
In a dark warehouse Shredder leader of the Foot Clan unveils a new device he has obtained and swears it will be the end of the Turtles so he can take over NYC and then the world.
April O'Neal proceeds to exit the Channel Three building and runs into the Turtles. She indicates that since the Zapbots left protecting Earth, the local police are using some left over technology to try and fight crime. As she also hands the Turtles tickets to a basketball game the Turtles hear the sound of breaking glass down the street and see the Foot Clan at it again. The Turtles move to engage the would be robbers.
Meanwhile down the street Anthony is riding in his Zapbot Slide as they are patrolling the city. Anthony exclaims he feels bad for the recent attacks on New York and even though the Zapbots have pulled away from Earth, he still wanted to keep an eye on things. In the distance they see the Turtles fighting the Foot Clan and move to investigate. As the Turtles cause the Foot Clan to retreat they are surprised when a large robot appears from out of the ground and proceeds to attack. As the Turtles attempt to figure out how to attack the robot, it is suddenly destroyed by a single shot from Slide. Slide and Anthony walk up and the Turtles introduce themselves much to the Zapbots chagrin. They ask if they can take them back to Splinter for more elaboration.
Back at the Turtle underground lair Splinter explains the story to Anthony and Slide. They all agree they need to figure out how Shredder is receiving the Zapbot technology. Anthony indicates they will head back to their base but will send out a specialist to help the Turtles.
Back in Shredder warehouse he complains to his shadowy partner about the Turtles and that he needs more robots. The partner provides him clarification that he will have the robots he needs.
The next day the Turtles proceed to perform a drug bust when they see an army of robots attacking the streets. They proceed to cause some damage to the numerous robots, but are quickly cornered. Suddenly a large Ninja like robot appears from out of nowhere and takes care of the enemy robots with one fell swoop. The robot introduces himself as Guiden and was ordered to help assist the Turtles. Dontello's portable phone rings and April indicates she has information. Guiden transforms to provide the Turtles safe passage to the news station.
When Guiden and the Turtles meet up with April O'Neal she says the Police Chief was being threatened by Shredder. April O'Neal provides a note that indicates Krang is helping Shredder again. Guiden provides clarification that him and his other Ninjabots brothers have dealt with Krang Krang before. They proceed to head to stake out the Police Chief's apartment.
After the Police Chief is threatened on the phone, the Turtles watch him leave and follow him to a dark alley (go figure) where he is attacked by a group of Foot Clan soldiers. The Turtles proceed to take the soldiers out and Michaelango dresses up in one of the suits to get information from the Police Chief. Once they get the information they proceed to Dock 13 where the exchange for technology is usually held.
When the Foot Clan arrive and take the technology it contains a tracking device. As they follow the clan underground they run into a large underground cavern containing the Technodome. The proceed to enter the Technodome only to be captured. Dontello pushes a device to contact the Ninjabots and the Turtles wait an annoying long time for rescue. As the Turtle wait in their cell they suddenly hear someone hitting morse code on the wall. Once they determine the code 'Stand Back' the wall explodes and the small Zapbot Scramper proceeds to help them escape. As they attempt to escape they run into Krang, Shredder and an army of foot soldiers and robots. Suddenly the entire team of Ninjabots appear and make quick work of the robots, while the Turtles take down the Foot Clan and go after Shredder and Krang.
The Turtles and Scramper enter a chamber to see that Shredder placing the Zapbot technology into Krang who begins to glow. Scramper sensing a large explosion transformers and proceeds to get the Turtles and the rest of Ninjabots out of the Technodome. They escape to the surface to find Krang emerging from the street, having grown ten times his size due to the Zapbot technology. Shredder with his army of Foot Clan proceed to exit into the street as well.
Having two issues to now deal with the Ninjabots proceed to attack the larger version of Krang, while the Turtles go after Shredder in the streets. The Ninjabots attack Krang but Walker is knocked offline several blocks away. The rest of the Ninjabots are unable to cause any real damage to Krang in his enlarged size. Light contacts Scramper to find Walker. The Turtles continue to fight the large army of clan soldiers in the street as suddenly Shredder appears to help join them in their fight.
Back on the other side of town Scramper finds Walker and revives him, telling him his brothers need him. Walker races back to the scene and the five Ninjabots combine to form Ninjatus. With one mighty blow they destroy Krang's adapter causing him to shrink back to his original size. Krang heads back down into the hole in the ground and then suddenly the Technodome begins to rise out of the ground.
On the other side of town Shredder and Splinter face off and prepare to fight in battle. Once the Turtles indicate to Scramper that Shredder is just a human in really bad armor, Scramper fires his null ray at him, knocking him out. The Police proceed to come up to the battle and start arresting the clan and Shredder. This is the pivot point where they all hear and see the Technodome rising.
Scramper and the Turtles catch up with Ninjatus who asks Scramper why he hasn't given the X-O suits to the Turtles. He proceeds to do so and the Turtles are suddenly encased with mechanic X-O suit armor. Ninjatus grabs the four and instructs them that they need to get inside the Technodome and take out Krang's technology he stole in the central core. He punches a hole in the Technodome dropping the mechanized Turtles off.
The Turtles run into Krang's control room, but he disables them by altering the gravity of the floor, causing their suits to be magnetized to the ground. Realizing their own worth, they turn off the X-O suits and proceed to slice up the Zapbot technology causing it to start a change reaction of very expensive and highly effective explosions. The Turtles jump out of the hole they came through and start to fall, but thankfully the Ninjabots proceeds to quickly snatch them up from their descending positions and pilot themselves away from the Technodome. The Technodome's teleporter short circuits and suddenly disappears in a black void.
Back on the ground the Turtles realize their own self worth as Splinter makes a memorable line. As the police close in the Zapbots, Turtles scatter.
Back on Fortress Misslemax, Shortstop gets a mission review from the Ninjabots. Shortstop joins the Turtles and Ninjabots on the holoroom later in a recreated dance club, where the Turtles are showing the Ninjabots how to breakdance. Anthony slides into the booth next to Splinter as they toast to their success.
Featured characters
Zapbots | Humans | Good Guys | Bad Guys | Planets |
“Splinter!” cried Shredder landing on the ground in front of his ancient advisory.
“Shredder!” replied Splinter,
“Well at least they know their names,”
- replied Raphael looking at the fourth wall.
- First Version: 1991?
- Second Version: 2020
- Third Version: 2021
Production notes
- This story was something I literally came up with as we drove home from watching TMNT II: The Secret of the Ooze.
- I did not plan on revising this story with the rewrites but as I watched some of the old cartoons I loved the humor I was seeing, so I decided to write something more along the lines of the old cartoons. This became a lot of fun.
- Obviously first introductions of Scramper (Duplaflex's Liaison) and the Ninja Team.
Continuity notes
Real-life references
- New York City... the city that never sleeps... I'm going to make.... Newwwwwww Yooorrrkkkk!
Continuity and plotting errors
Other trivia
- Dedicated to my TMNT buddy David Rhodeback.