The Boys Town Part 1
Anthony crash lands in a mysterious hidden town in Germany finding a situation he never expected.

During a battle with the Gongos Anthony's Shortstop body is damaged and he crash lands in a strange unknown and hidden town in Germany. The town has been in control by a secret Nazi army for several years, punishing the public and also controlling the citizens.
Anthony meets up with a modern day Robin Hood named Mike Quartz and learns of his band of boys that has been trying to stop the Nazis. Wanting to help Anthony attempts to recharge and repair his X-O suit so he can help take the town back from the Nazis.
Anthony attends a reception where Mike's Aunt who raised him is being forced to marry the General. After Anthony and Mike leave the receptions they find that several boys from the group have been captured. Anthony leads Mike and his team to rescue the boys. He succeeds in the effort but is wounded by a gunshot in the process.
Back at Mike's base Anthony wakes up to see the team is preparing to relocate to the mountains. They plan on attacking the Nazis tomorrow, as the Nazis have announced they will murder random people if the boys don't reveal themselves. In the mountains Anthony transmits his locations to the Zapbots but the signal falls short of providing complete information.
The next day Anthony with the help of the boys proceed to attack the Nazis in the town square. During the attack, Anthony's X-O suit loses all power and once again he is severally wounded. Just as he is about to be destroyed by the General the Zapbots arrive with Omega Dupreme to overtake the Nazi army. When the General attempts to fire at Anthony's head, Omega Dupreme fires first and evaporates him.
After recovering from his battle wounds Anthony introduces Mike to the Zapbots and shows him around Fortress Misslemax before dropping him back off in his newly rescued town. Anthony says goodbye realizing the adventures with Mike have just begun.
Featured characters
Zapbots | Humans | Enemies | Planets |
"Well it could be an elaborately staged hoax, but I did see you walking and I can tell your not from around here. Plus your leg is bleeding."
- Mike to Anthony after he rescues him.
"You’re a good man Anthony, I’m glad you crashed here.”
- Mike to Anthony
- First Version: 1988?
- Second Version: 1995?
- Third Version: 2021
Production notes
- This is the first appearance of Alert and Mike Quartz.
- Third pass to provide extra details and upgrades happened in 2021.
- I realize an unknown town in Germany is a bit of a stretch but just go with me on this one.
Continuity notes
Real-life references
- Antartica
- Germany
Continuity and plotting errors
Other trivia
- Yes this came from an extremely vivid dream I had as a kid.
- Mike Quartz will become the main love interest as we progress through the stories replacing Matt E.. Originally the handful of stories were centered around Matt, but when I lost the real world version of him, I decided that it would be wise to migrate to fictional characters for various situations so I didn't have to be constantly rewriting the stories. As such Mike Q. becomes that character.