- Scramper is an Zapbots Liason from the Generation 1 continuity family.

Scramper is the human liaison for Duplaflex who occasionally is sent on specialized missions. His primary role in battles is to keep track of the enemies giving Duplaflex the time to transform. Known as the 'skinniest Zapbot' he has the ability to sneak into places no other Zapbots can go. Playful and always jolly he takes great excitement in his work finding humor wherever he can. He is good friends with various amphibian mutated teenagers from NYC. In his spare time he stars as a car in a highly popular TV show on Earth.
- Quote: "Good golly miss molly!"
- Transformation: Black TransAm.
- Weapons: Hand Lasers, Super Pursuit Mode
- Special Weapons: None
- Shields: Fair 4 Hours
- Speed: 120 MPH
- Armor: Extremely Light .5 Inches
- Communications: Radio
- Target/Tracking: Scanners, Radar
- Weakness: Due to his incredible small side means when he converts to car mode his armor is very light.
- Transformer Inspiration: Scamper
- Family: None
Original Series
Ninja Wars
Scramper helped to rescue the TMNT from their prison and also assisted them with defeating Shredder's foot-clan.
Behind the Scenes
I'll be honest, drawing him as a black TransAm simply because at this moment in time we're going through the Knight Rider series.
era: 1987
era: 1988