- Support is an Zapbots Super Changer from the Generation 1 continuity family.

Support does exactly what his name is, as he provides support for Zapbots during the battle. One of the largest standard-class Zapbots, he is just under Slipstream in mass. He specializes in understanding multiple tactical situations at once, and providing the best possible outcome for all of them. Strong-willed and determined, he has always been able to accomplish any task he sets his computing processors too. When he arrived on Earth he became fascinated with various sports that humans partake in and as such you can find him hosting the annual Super Bowl party.
- Quote: "Act cool fool the fools."
- Transformation: Semi, Aircraft Carrier, and Concord (all subject to change on a whim)
- Weapons: Blazing Sword, Double Photon Gun
- Special Weapons: Heat Shield
- Shields: 2 Hours
- Speed: 70 mph
- Armor: Light 2 Inches
- Communications: Radio, CB
- Target/Tracking: Radar, Infra-red, Scanners
- Weakness: Armor is very weak.
- Transformer Inspiration: None originally but now maybe Broadside
- Star Trek Inspiration: None
- Family: None
Original Series
Unicron Returns
The Super Changers saw the revitalization of Unicron from Secretish and quickly left the planet to warn Gearatron. They were able to recover the Matrix of Leadership from Click and take it to Earth to return to Anthony.
Robot Trek I
The Super Changers met Anthony as he returned to Gearatron to warn that the Nonocons had taken over Fortress Misslemax.
Robot Trek III
The Super Changers went with the away party to investigate the smaller chamber containing the Ancient Gearatron device, inside the ominous cloud. They helped to hold the Nonocons at bay at the team investigated the Ancient Gearatron Device.
Behind the Scenes
era: 1985
era: 1986
era: 1987
era: 1987