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- Puncher is an Zapbots Waterbots from the Generation 1 continuity family.

Another extremely large Zapbot, Puncher is always ducking his head in the hallways of Duplaflex or Fortress Misslemax. He'd rather be transporting a crew of humans on a luxury cruise but will heed the call to battle when needed (dropping off the humans first to safety.) The leader of the Water Team he will usually stay back and provide orders, only to enter the fray as needed to battle larger enemies the rest of the team can't handle.
- Quote: "Just doing my job."
- Transformation: Cruise Ship
- Weapons: Laser Rifle, Hand Lasers, Rockets
- Special Weapons: Photon Gun
- Shields: Good 5 Hours
- Speed: 200 MPH
- Armor: Heavy 8 Inches
- Communications: Radio
- Target/Tracking: Radar, Scanners
- Weakness: Slow which makes him a moving target.
- Transformer Inspiration: None
- Family: Waterbots - Brothers
Original Series
Behind the Scenes
era: 1988
era: 1992