- Dive is an Zapbots Animalbots from the Generation 1 continuity family.

Watch out from below if you are anything but an ally as Dive take great pleasure in bombing your location and escaping with ease. A warrior at heart, Dive will expertly take out a battle of enemies with ease from the skies above on any M-class type planet. Handy at fixing things, we will spend time with Huge to help develop new weapons for the team to use. He is known to spend his weekend giving rides to sick children at the local hospital to help boost their morale.
- Quote: "Watch Out Below!"
- Transformation: Robotic Hawk
- Weapons: Laser Rifle, Rockets, Missiles, Sword
- Special Weapons: Bombs
- Shields: Weak 2 Hours
- Speed: 290 MPH
- Armor: Medium 5 Inches
- Communications: Radio
- Target/Tracking: Scanners
- Weakness: Sometimes gets himself into trouble by taking risks.
- Transformer Inspiration: Divebomb
- Family: Animalbots - Brothers
Original Series
The Escape
The Animal Team are involved with an away mission to help rescue Anthony's friends. During their mission they are overpowered by the Gongos but are able to escape, forming Monsterator to defeat the Gongos.
The Animal Team provides reinforcements so the away team with the Ancient Zapbots and Geo can escape back to Fortress Misslemax.
Behind the Scenes
era: 1985
era: 1986
era: 1986
era: 1986
era: 1992