- Lightspeed is a Zapbots High Council from the Reboot continuity family.

Lightspeed was the personal valet and shuttlecraft of Zetbedan Ambassador Dan-DeLion. Wherever he goes, Lightspeed provides transport. Lightspeed is a tall, pale Zapbot with faded blue-white armor and beady purple eyes, and a pair of fin-like audio receptors. He moves smoothly and deliberately and is quite a ghostly figure. Lightspeed rarely speaks except in sign language and gestures, a skill in which he was quite adept. Lightspeed possesses strength superior to that of most smaller Zapbots but rarely exerted this unwillingly on others.
- Quote: "Lightspeed is my valet shuttle. He doesn't say much." - Zetbedan Ambassador Dan-DeLion
- Transformation: Shuttlecraft
- Weapons: Hand Landers
- Special Weapons: Dual Turret Turbo Lazers
- Shields: Moderate, 4 Hours
- Cruising Speed: Mach 07
- Flight Speed: Warp 1
- Armor: Medium, 5 Inches
- Communications: Radio, Subspace (Classified)
- Target/Tracking: Radar, Scanners
- Weakness: Poor Fighter (Pacifist), Limited Defensive Weaponry
- Transformer Inspiration: None
- Star Trek Inspiration: Mr. Homn (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
- Family: Scoot-Along - Friend
Reboot Timeline
Note: The following is under development and subject to change.
Millions of years ago, Lightspeed escaped Gearatron before the Junkicons were able to completely destroy all life. Using his advanced technology at the time he warped to an unknown part of the Universe and after many years landed on Zetbedii. Lightspeed had ancient ties to the DeLion Aristocratic House long before "First Contact" between Modern Day Zapbots. While serving many eons as a loyal servant of the DeLion House (mostly in relative obscurity), Lightspeed became an intricate member of the Zetbedan delegation sent to Gearatron when he initial contact was made. As Ka'Thyn-DeLion served as the Zetbedii's first ambassador to Gearatron, when her son Dan-DeLion took her place, Lightspeed naturally became his personal valet and transport to and from his duty post.
Lightspeed rarely speaks while in Zapbot Mode, often relying on exaggerated expressions, gestures, or the "colorful interjections" of his co-companion Scoot-Along to speak for him. Silent, somber and studious of his duties to the Ambassador, Lightspeed was reported to frequently tell "outrageous and raunchy stories" after imbibing copious amounts of Energy, as told by Scoot-Along. Given his penchant for telling "tall tales", the veracity of this assertion is questionable at best.
Nevertheless, Lightspeed had an indulgent temperament in more than one sense of the word. It was often expressed in the way he patiently catered to the (sometimes exasperating) whims of Ambassador DeLion, as well as his quiet indulgences in the "perks" of his employment.
Behind the Scenes
This Zapbot is a personal indulgence and gift to my most almost companion, my editor, my reason for being: Daniel Noland.What who let someone come in here and deface my wiki???