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- Countdown is an Zapbots Target Masters from the Generation 1 continuity family.

Countdown is a complete introvert to the point of all absurdity. No one sees or interacts with him except in battle, to which afterward he recedes back into the distance. No one is sure how he provides himself his energy or continues to survive but whenever he is needed he is available, rushing into battle and then suddenly absent with the aftermath. Because he rarely speaks, only a few have heard his voice or interacted with him. A mystery to even his fellow Target Masters, no one is sure who is really is.
- Quote: "Less Talk, More Action!"
- Transformation: Telsa Model 3
- Weapons: Hand Lasers
- Special Weapons: Targetmaster Halt
- Shields: Good 5 Hours
- Speed: 120 MPH
- Armor: Light 2 Inches
- Communications: Radio
- Target/Tracking: Scanners
- Weakness: Extremely flexible armor that poses problems if hit.
- Transformer Inspiration: None
- Family: None
Original Series
Behind the Scenes
Never created a story/tech spec for this one till now.