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/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */

/* ==========   Upload preview   ==========
   ==========      -BEGIN-       ==========
   ========== CODE IS UNREVIEWED ========== */

 * Live preview script for MediaWiki
 * 2007-04-25 – Nikerabbit:
 *   Worked around text cutoff in mozilla-based browsers
 *   Support for categories

lpIdPreview = 'wikiPreview';
lpIdCategories = 'catlinks';
lpIdDiff = 'wikiDiff';

 * Returns XMLHttpRequest based on browser support or null
function openXMLHttpRequest() {
	if( window.XMLHttpRequest ) {
		return new XMLHttpRequest();
	} else if( window.ActiveXObject && navigator.platform != 'MacPPC' ) {
		// IE/Mac has an ActiveXObject but it doesn't work.
		return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
	} else {
		return null;

 * Returns true if could open the request,
 * false otherwise (eg no browser support).
function lpDoPreview(text, postUrl) {
	lpRequest = openXMLHttpRequest();
	if( !lpRequest ) return false;

	lpRequest.onreadystatechange = lpStatusUpdate;"POST", postUrl, true);

	var postData = 'wpTextbox1=' + encodeURIComponent(text);
	lpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
	return true;

function lpStatusUpdate() {

	/* We are at some stage of loading */
	if (lpRequest.readyState > 0 && lpRequest.readyState < 4) {

	/* Not loaded yet */
	if(lpRequest.readyState != 4) {

	/* We got response, bug it not what we wanted */
	if( lpRequest.status != 200 ) {
		var keys = new Array();
		keys[0] = lpRequest.status;
		keys[1] = lpRequest.statusText;
		window.alert(i18n(wgLivepreviewMessageError, keys));

	/* All good */
	dismissNotify(i18n(wgLivepreviewMessageReady), 750);

	var XMLObject = lpRequest.responseXML.documentElement;

	/* Work around Firefox (Gecko?) limitation where it shows only the first 4096
	 * bytes of data. Ref:

	var previewElement = XMLObject.getElementsByTagName('preview')[0];
	var categoryElement = XMLObject.getElementsByTagName('category')[0];

	/* Hide the active diff if it exists */
	var diff = document.getElementById(lpIdDiff);
	if ( diff ) { = 'none'; }

	/* Inject preview */
	var previewContainer = document.getElementById( lpIdPreview );
	if ( previewContainer && previewElement ) {
		previewContainer.innerHTML =; = 'block';
	} else {
		/* Should never happen */

	/* Inject categories */
	var categoryContainer  = document.getElementById( lpIdCategories );
	if ( categoryElement && categoryElement.firstChild ) {
		if ( categoryContainer ) {
			categoryContainer.innerHTML =;
			/* May be hidden */ = 'block';
		} else {
			/* Just dump them somewhere */
	/*		previewContainer.innerHTML +=;*/
	} else {
		/* Nothing to show, hide old data */
		if ( categoryContainer ) { = 'none';


function lpShowNormalPreview() {
	var fallback = document.getElementById('wpPreview');
	if ( fallback ) { = 'inline'; }

// TODO: move elsewhere
/* Small non-intrusive popup which can be used for example to notify the user
 * about completed AJAX action. Supports only one notify at a time.
function notify(message) {
	var notifyElement = document.getElementById('mw-js-notify');
	if ( !notifyElement ) {
		var notifyElement = document.getElementById('mw-js-notify');
	} = 'block';
	notifyElement.innerHTML = message;

function dismissNotify(message, timeout) {
	var notifyElement = document.getElementById('mw-js-notify');
	if ( notifyElement ) {
		if ( timeout == 0 ) { = 'none';
		} else {
			setTimeout("dismissNotify('', 0)", timeout);

function createNotify() {
	var div = document.createElement("div");
	var txt = '###PLACEHOLDER###'
	var txtNode = document.createTextNode(txt);
	div.appendChild(txtNode); = 'mw-js-notify';
	// TODO: move styles to css
		'display: none; position: fixed; bottom: 0px; right: 0px; color: white; background-color: DarkRed; z-index: 5; padding: 0.1em 1em 0.1em 1em; font-size: 120%;');
	var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];

/* Helper function similar to wfMsgReplaceArgs() */
function i18n(message, keys) {
	var localMessage = message;
	if ( !keys ) { return localMessage; }
	for( var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
		var myregexp = new RegExp("\\$"+(i+1), 'g');
		localMessage = localMessage.replace(myregexp, keys[i]);
	return localMessage;

	if (wgCanonicalNamespace == 'Special' && wgCanonicalSpecialPageName == 'Upload'){
	 //prepare Mediawiki Live Preview
	 wgLivepreviewMessageLoading = 'Wait...'
	 wgLivepreviewMessageReady = 'Done'
	 document.write('<script type= "text/javascript" src="/skins-1.5/common/preview.js"></script>')

	function uploadPreviewInit(){
	 wpUploadDescription = document.getElementById('wpUploadDescription') //global var
	 var but = document.createElement('input')
	 but.type = 'button'
	 wpUploadDescription.parentNode.insertBefore(but, wpUploadDescription.nextSibling)

	function uploadPreviewDo(){
	 if (!window.wikiPreview) //create preview div
	    wikiPreview = document.createElement('div') = 'wikiPreview'
	    wpUploadDescription.parentNode.insertBefore(wikiPreview, wpUploadDescription.nextSibling.nextSibling)
	 lpDoPreview(wpUploadDescription.value, '/w2/index.php?action=submit&live')

/* ==========   Upload preview   ==========
   ==========      -End-       ==========
   ========== CODE IS UNREVIEWED ========== */

/* Blatantly based on Wookiepedia's ShowEras */
/* Used for the faction icon template*/
/* That template generates a div that contains another div, which itself contains */
/* the image and link which make up the icon. The id of the main div is */
/* which is what then gets passed into this function, is 'title-factionicons' */ 
/* This function copies a div tag with the passed in id, puts the copy */
/* before the page title bar h1 tag, and makes the copy visible. */
/* The main div is expected to have it's 'display' CSS attribute set to none to hide it */
/* in the main portion of the page. */

function showTitles(className) { 

     //This check seems to be a holdover from Wookiepedia and not functional for us as SKIP_ERAS is not defined anywhere in our code (that I've found so far). Can probably be removed. 
     if(typeof(SKIP_ERAS) != 'undefined' && SKIP_ERAS) 
     //Get the HTML element with the id passed in. This element is the div that contains the faction icon.  
     var titleDiv = document.getElementById(className); 
     if(titleDiv == null || titleDiv == undefined) 
     //Make a copy of the Title bar div
     var cloneNode = titleDiv.cloneNode(true);

     //Get the first h1 tag with a class of 'firstHeading' inside of the div that has the id 'content'.
     var firstHeading = $('#content h1.firstHeading')[0];
     //Insert the cloned node before the heading.
     firstHeading.insertBefore(cloneNode, firstHeading.childNodes[0]);

     //Make the cloned node visible = "block"; 
}// END showTitles 

/* Code for hiding segments */
function hide_block(id) {
     document.getElementById(id).style.display = "inline";
     document.getElementById(id + "-link").style.display = "none";

/* Used for the Hide template, this function inserts the */
/* 'Show Hidden Content' links used by the template and hides */
/* the list markup generated by the template */

function replace_hides() {

               //Create div for the 'Show Hidden Content' link
               var hide_link = document.createElement("div");

               // Create link 
               hide_link.innerHTML = "<a href='javascript:hide_block(\"" + blockToHide.getAttribute("id") + "\");' id='" + blockToHide.getAttribute("id") + "-link'><i>Show hidden content.</i></a>";

               //Insert the link before the list to be hidden
               blockToHide.parentNode.insertBefore(hide_link, blockToHide);

               //Hide the list
      = "none"; 

function tfwiki_hooks() {
     showTitles('title-factionicons'); //Move faction and other icons to the header bar
     replace_hides(); //Insert 'Show Hidden Content' links for the Hide template

/* Run on page load */