Mike Quartz

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Mike Quartz is an Human from the Generation 1 continuity family.
era 2023 - "Tough on the outside, soft on the inside."

Mike Quartz is the leader of the revolutionary movement in a small town in Germany. He and his brothers helped to defend the town from an evil Nazi army led by General Lee. He was rescued twice by the Zapbots once when the town was under siege (Boys Town Part 1) and second when his University was held hostage (Boys Town Part 2).

  • Quote: 'All for one...'
  • Family: Jim - Younger brother

Behind the Scenes

Mike Quartz was the generic guy I used as the ideal 'friend' in any story. If I had to put an image in my mind he would look like Wil Wheaton when he was on STNG.

Originally he was only part of the Boys Towns series in the first run of the saga, but when I started re-writing the stories I moved the death of Matt E. up to the Reality story and made Mike Q. the main so-called best-friend-secret-love-interest. Having a generic character granted me the luxury of not have to rewrite everything yet again if I lost a so-called friend in the future.