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Shock is a Nonocon from the Generation 1 continuity family.
era 2021: What? Like you didn't know that this wasn't going to get referenced at one point or another.

Description: Shock is the evil brother of Bop who joined the Nonocon ranks during the first great war. His rage provides an ultimate weapon of destruction for Amphotron's army as he has been known to destroy civilizations with extreme prejudice. Most of all, he longs to destroy his brother for some unknown hurt that was prescribed upon him. His laser canon can pierce through any unshielded metal making him extremely deadly in battle. 

  • Quote: "Are all dead!"
  • Transformation: Futuristic Canon thing....
  • Weapons: Hand Lasers
  • Special Weapons: Giant Canon
  • Shields: Good 7 hours
  • Speed: Warp 1
  • Armor: Medium 5 Inches
  • Communications: Radio, Shortwave
  • Target/Tracking: Scanners, Radar
  • Weakness: He is torn when fighting for the Nonocon cause and his feelings for his brother.
  • Transformer Inspiration: Shockwave
  • Star Trek Inspiration: Lore
  • Family: Bop - Brother


Original Series

Robot Trek II

Shock emerges from out of nowhere to confront his brother Bop. The two battle on a lone asteroid before Bop gets the upper hand forcing Shock to retreat. He then assists Tri-Star with stealing the Matrix of Leadership. 

The Fall and Rebirth of Gearatron

Shock succeeds in destroying his brother Bop with newly powered energy residue discovered from New Gearatron's destruction. However, before Bop shuts down he tells Shock he 'forgives him.' This causes Shock's programming to revert back to his original program and in the end, he chooses to save the human Mike Quartz and destroy Amphotron thus ending the war.

Behind the Scenes

Oh, I'm sure you can figure where this idea was inspired from.